778 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, OH 43212

Ohio Police & Fire

Ohio police and fire employees have risked their lives for the good of society and should be given the opportunity to create a dignified and peaceful retirement for themselves.

sitting down
Here are the typical problems that OP&F members come to us to solve:
  1. Which Plan of Payment to select (#1 mistake, can be very costly)
  2. When should I retire (age & service credit)
  3. How long to DROP
  4. Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) or Government Pension Offset (how it impacts Social Security)

Making the right choice is overwhelming for most people. In most cases, the decisions are irrevocable and can be very costly. At Three Creeks Capital, we help clients with these decisions every day. We have the experience and knowledge to help you get it right from the start.

Schedule Your Retirement Consultation Now
We help you avoid the #1 mistake that could cost you $100,000+ in lost retirement income:
opf guide
Don’t just rely on what you heard at roll call!

There are many aspects of OP&F retirement benefits that are difficult for police officers and firefighters to navigate. This guide is designed to help you start thinking about your OP&F pension so you can obtain all the benefits you are entitled to.

Read the Guide
Sarah and James

Age: 48 and 49

Occupation: Nurse and Police Officer

Primary Goals: Retire to a southern state, help the kids through college, and buy a fishing boat.

Sarah would not have as many years as a nurse in the OPERS system since she went back to school after the kids were born.  Her OPERS pension wouldn’t be a full 32 years.

They needed to figure out how to pay off debt and help the kids through college.

Read the Success Stories
Thinking about going into DROP? Not so fast!

The DROP offered by OP&F is an optional benefit that allows eligible police officers and firefighters to accumulate their pension payments while they are still employed and receiving a salary.

Understanding your own personal financial situation and knowing what the impact will be is crucial.  Selecting a joint survivor annuity when entering DROP, for example, is the most misunderstood aspect. If not analyzed properly, there can be harmful long-term consequences. 

We can run our proprietary DROP analysis to determine what's best for you. If you are facing this decision, let’s set up a time to talk.

Schedule a DROP Call
View our financial education resources for Ohio Public Employees