778 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, OH 43212

Todd J. Gourno, CFP®

I spent seven years working at STRS Ohio (00'-07'). During my tenure, I heard too often the advice members were getting, which was rarely in their best interest. So, I started this firm in October 2007 (bad timing) to combine my pension knowledge with my CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation.

Learn more about Todd
I grew up in Grove City, went to college in Toledo, and now reside in Upper Arlington. 
Happily married for twenty-plus years to a Y-town native. She is a fiery Italian that keeps me on my toes and a great mother.
Father to three teenagers (14, 18, and 20)
Travel enthusiast.  Beaches and warm weather are great, but my favorite trip was to Italy!  Can't stand the cloudy OH winters!
Weekend DIY'er.  I have renovated my entire house.
I have a real sweet tooth, especially for no-baked cookies.
The glass is always half-full vs. half-empty.
Reading and learning are my passions.  I'm reading Atomic Habits and Start with Why in 2024.  Favorites Books - Well Being and Essentialism.
I gave up watching the news about five years ago.  Best thing I ever did.
I work out about five days a week. Mainly weight training. Not a fan of cardio.